Golang's flag package reads the command line flags and args properly if the input provided is of the form : go run main.go -o filename.txt arg1 arg2
But if I try to provide the input like : go run main.go arg1 arg2 -o filename.txt
, everything after main.go is read as arguments.
How to make this style work?
My program:
package main
import (
func main() {
var output string
flag.StringVar(&output, "o", "", "Writes output to the file specified")
fmt.Println("Positional Args : ", flag.Args())
fmt.Println("Flag -o : ", output)
go run main.go -o filename.txt arg1 arg2
Positional Args : [arg1 arg2]
Flag -o : filename.txt
go run main.go arg1 arg2 -o filename.txt
Positional Args : [arg1 arg2 -o filename.txt]
Flag -o :
If you shimmy around with the contents of os.Args, it is possible to accept arg1 arg2 -o filename.txt
Go through the os.Args that is passed in from the command line in the for loop
If a - is seen then set a condition that indicates the first flag has been seen
If the condition is set then populate the "notargs" list. Otherwise, populate the "args" list
There is a bit of extra complication here as the args list that is used to set os.Args to the values that will do the flag processing must include the program name (the original os.Arg[0]) as the first value
This solution does not work with -o filename.txt arg1 arg2
package main
import (
func main() {
var output string
var args[]string
var notargs[]string
var in_flags bool=false
for i:=0; i<len(os.Args); i++ {
if os.Args[i][0]=='-' {
if i==0 || in_flags {
} else {
flag.StringVar(&output, "o", "", "Writes output to the file specified")
fmt.Println("args ",args)
fmt.Println("Flag -o : ", output)