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How to create a clickable histogram in Shiny?

I want to create a clickable histogram in shiny but I don't know if it is possible.

Some months ago I saw a clickable volcano plot which gives you a table of what you click.



The closest post that I found about creating clickable histograms is this one Click to get coordinates from multiple histogram in shiny

However, I don't want to get the coordinates. I want the rownames of the dataframe.

Having this dataframe, can I get the rownames everytime I click a bar from the histogram?

mtcars <- mtcars %>% 
mtcars <- as.matrix(mtcars)


One example (but not clickable) in shiny:


ui <- fluidPage(

mtcars <- mtcars %>% 
mtcars <- as.matrix(mtcars)

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$hist <- renderPlot({
    pp <- qplot(mtcars, geom = "histogram", bins = 10, xlab="values", 
                ylab="Frequency", main="Histogram",
                fill=I("red"), col=I("black"), alpha=I(0.4))
   pp + scale_x_continuous(breaks=pretty(mtcars, n=10))

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


Does anyone know how to do it?

Thanks very much in advance!



  • This is a great question, and what makes it challenging is that the qplot/ggplot charts are static images. The below app.r is an example of how I would do it. I'd love to see other approaches.

    In essence:

    1. Create a sequence of numbers that will be used both as the breaks in your histogram and as intervals in your dataframe. I based these on user inputs, but you could hardcode them.
    2. Assign a "bin" value to each row in the dataframe based on the interval in which the value falls.
    3. Record the x-coordinate from the user's click event and assign that a "bin" value based on the same set of intervals.
    4. Subset your dataframe and retain only those records where the "bin" value of the data matches the "bin" value of the x-coordinate from the user's click event.

    Otherwise, if you're willing to go the d3 route, you could explore something like this posted by R Views.

    #Load libraries ----------------------------------------------------
    # Prepare data -----------------------------------------------------
    df <- mtcars
    df <- cbind(model = rownames(df), data.frame(df, row.names = NULL)) # setting the rownames as the first column
    dm <- df$hp %>% as.matrix()
    # UI function ------------------------------------------------------
    ui <- fluidPage(
          tags$h5("I added the below text output only to demonstrate shiny's way for tracking user interaction on static plots. You can click, double-click, or click & drag (i.e. brushing). These functions are AWESOME when exploring scatterplots."),
          tags$h3("Chart click and brushing"),
          tags$h5("Now I'm applying the below UI inputs to the `vec` and `breaks` arguments in `findInterval()` and `qplot()` respectively; I'm using `findInterval()` to bin the values in the dataframe AND to bin the x-value of the user's click event input on the chart. Then we can return the dataframe rows with the same bin values as the x-value of the click input."),
                      , label = h3("Sequence 'From' and 'To'")
                      , min = 0
                      , max = 500
                      , value = c(50, 350)
                      , label = h3("Sequence 'By'")
                      , min = 25
                      , max = 200
                      , value = 50
                      , step = 5)
                     click = "plot_click",
                     dblclick = "plot_dblclick",
                     hover = "plot_hover",
                     brush = "plot_brush"),
    # Server function --------------------------------------------------
    server <- function(input, output) {
      # Render Histogram Plot
      output$hist <- renderPlot({
        # Using the same `qplot` function but inserting the user inputs to set the breaks values in the plot
        pp <- qplot(dm
                    , geom = "histogram"
                    , breaks = seq(from = input$seq_from_to[1], to = input$seq_from_to[2], by = input$seq_by)
                    , xlab = "values"
                    , ylab = "Frequency"
                    , main = "Histogram"
                    , fill = I("red")
                    , col = I("black")
                    , alpha = I(0.4)
        # Also using the user inputs to set the breaks values for the x-axis
        pp + scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(from = input$seq_from_to[1], to = input$seq_from_to[2], by = input$seq_by))
      # This is purely explanatory to help show how shiny can read user interaction on qplot/ggplot objects
      # It's taken from the Shiny docs here:
      output$info <- renderText({
        # Retain the x and y coords of the user click event data
        xy_str <- function(e) {
          if(is.null(e)) return("NULL\n")
          paste0("x=", round(e$x, 1), " y=", round(e$y, 1), "\n")
        # Retain the x and y range coords of click & drag (brush) data
        xy_range_str <- function(e) {
          if(is.null(e)) return("NULL\n")
          paste0("xmin=", round(e$xmin, 1), " xmax=", round(e$xmax, 1),
                 " ymin=", round(e$ymin, 1), " ymax=", round(e$ymax, 1))
        # Paste this together so we can read it in the UI function for demo purposes
          "click: ", xy_str(input$plot_click),
          "dblclick: ", xy_str(input$plot_dblclick),
          "hover: ", xy_str(input$plot_hover),
          "brush: ", xy_range_str(input$plot_brush)
      # Back to the story. Set a listener to trigger when one of the following is updated:
      toListen <- reactive({list(
        input$plot_click    # user clicks on the plot
        , input$seq_from_to # user updates the range slider
        , input$seq_by      # user updates the number input
      # When one of those events are triggered, update the datatable output
      observeEvent(toListen(), {
        # Save the user click event data
        click_data <- input$plot_click
        print(click_data) # during your app preview, you can watch the R Console to see what click data is accessible
        # Assign bin values to each row using the intervals that are set by the user input
        df$bin <- findInterval(dm, vec = seq(from = input$seq_from_to[1], to = input$seq_from_to[2], by = input$seq_by))
        # Similarly assign a bin value to the click event based on what interval the x values falls within
        click_data$x_bin <- findInterval(click_data$x, vec = seq(from = input$seq_from_to[1], to = input$seq_from_to[2], by = input$seq_by))
        # Lastly, subset the df to only those records within the same interval as the click event x-value
        df_results <- subset(df, bin == click_data$x_bin)
        # Select what values to view in the table
        df_results <- df_results %>% select(model, hp)
        # And push these back out to the UI
        output$table <- renderDataTable(df_results,
                                         options = list(
                                           pageLength = 5
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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