I am trying to make an autoclicker that clicks the up key for 10 seconds, then the down key for 10 seconds. I am using the pyautogui module for this and I am getting this error for some reason whenever I run:
keyUp() missing 1 required positional argument: 'key'
This is the rest of the code:
import pyautogui, time
x = 0
times = 20
while True:
if x == times:
print("Stopped Clicking")
pyautogui.keyUp(), time.sleep(10), pyautogui.keyDown()
x += 1
Check the pyautogui docs: https://pyautogui.readthedocs.io/en/latest/keyboard.html#the-press-keydown-and-keyup-functions
The keyUp
and keyDown
don't correspond to the Up key and the Down key, they correspond to a given key (which you have to supply as the argument) going up and down. For example, keyDown('space')
holds the spacebar down and leaves it down until keyUp('space')
is called.
What I think you want is to call the press
function on the up
and down
keys, something like:
import pyautogui, time
for _ in range(20):
print("Stopped Clicking")