I have a working code that links with apk-plugin. This code stopped working after I run another application on the android emulator.
DexClassLoader no longer find the apk-file.
loadClass begin dropping to exception with text:
Didn't find class "com.example.testandlib.Testt"
Please help to understand what might have broken from running another app on android emulator. Reboot of emulator has no effect. Clean project also.
Plugin code:
package com.example.testandlib
import android.util.Log
class Testt {
fun plus(a: Int,b: Int): Int {
return a + b - 2
fun minus(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
return a - b - 2
fun stringBoolHello(a: String, b: Boolean): String {
if (b)
return "Trully Hello, " + a
return "Hello, " + a
fun arrayHello(a: MutableList<String>): String {
var res = ""
var iter = a.iterator()
iter.forEach { res += it+";" }
return "Hello, " + res
fun originalArrayHello(a: Array<String>): String {
var res = ""
for ((index, value) in a.withIndex()) {
res += value+index.toString()+";"
return "Hello, " + res
Part of main app code:
val cont = getApplicationContext()
val apkPath = "/data/data/com.example.pozitivmobile/tmp/app-debug.apk"
val cachePath = getDir("dex",0).absolutePath
val classLoaderr = DexClassLoader(
try {
val curClass = classLoaderr.loadClass("com.example.testandlib.Testt")
val curObj = curClass.newInstance()
val methodParams = arrayOf(Int.javaClass)
val plusMethod = curClass.getMethod("plus", Int::class.java, Int::class.java)
val minusMethod = curClass.getMethod("minus", Int::class.java, Int::class.java)
val stringBoolHelloMethod = curClass.getMethod("stringBoolHello", String::class.java, Boolean::class.java )
val arrayHelloMethod = curClass.getMethod("arrayHello", MutableList::class.java )
val originalArrayHelloMethod = curClass.getMethod("originalArrayHello", Array<String>::class.java )
val plusResult = plusMethod.invoke(curObj,25,35)
val minusResult = minusMethod.invoke(curObj,35,45)
val stringBoolHelloResult1 = stringBoolHelloMethod.invoke(curObj,"Dmitry",true)
val stringBoolHelloResult2 = stringBoolHelloMethod.invoke(curObj,"Dmitry",false)
val paramHelloArray = mutableListOf<String>()
val arrayHelloResult = arrayHelloMethod.invoke(curObj,paramHelloArray)
val paramOriginalHelloArray = arrayOf("odinn","dvaa","trii")
val OriginalArrayHelloResult = originalArrayHelloMethod.invoke(curObj,paramOriginalHelloArray)
} catch (e: Exception){
Log.d("loadClass",e.message.toString() )
I change line
val cachePath = getDir("dex",0).absolutePath
val cachePath = cont.cacheDir.absolutePath.toString()
and now my code is working.
Then I return this line back
val cachePath = getDir("dex",0).absolutePath
and my code still works! Heisenbug?
Error dissapeared after these actions:
go to adb shell
go to superuser mode (with su command)
do this commands:
chmod 777 /data/data/com.example.pozitivmobile/plugins/app-debug.apk
chmod 777 /data/data/com.example.pozitivmobile/plugins
chmod 777 /data/data/com.example.pozitivmobile
chmod 777 /data/data
chmod 777 /data
clean project
run project again
After this, application is working with plugins, but I can't change app-debug.apk file in emulator storage anymore (permission denied). To do this I need upload apk file to directory:
and then copy it to application dir in superuser adb shell with command:
cp /storage/emulated/0/Download/app-debug.apk /data/data/com.example.pozitivmobile/plugins/
After all of this, application are working with apk-plugins, even with change apk-files during main application running.
But if I delete app from android emulator, error returns. I don't now why.