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Why doesn't Code::Blocks build my .exe file?

I have just installed a fresh Code::Blocks instance, however the build button doesn't work: I have pressed it many time to build the .exe file, but when I try to run it asks me to build it again.

The "Yes" button on the pop-up dialog that asks me to build doesn't do anything.

My complier's installation directory is C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW

I'm using Code::Blocks 20.03 with MinGW installation pack


  • If you have a version of GCC as compiler (such as MingW for Windows), chances are it will come with support for the most recent version of C++ disabled by default. This can be explicitly enabled by going to Settings->Compiler


    And here, within Global compiler settings, in Compiler settings tab, check the box Have g++ follow the C++11 ISO C++ language standard
