I created a Kotest StringSpec test in a Micronaut project, and tried to clear data in the database.
@MicronautTest(environments = [Environment.TEST], startApplication = false)
class PostRepositoryTest(private val posts: PostRepository, private val template: JdbcOperations) : StringSpec({
"a test" {//test includes database operations worked well.
override fun beforeEach(testCase: TestCase) {
val delCount = this.template.prepareStatement("delete from posts") { it ->
print("deleting items: $delCount")
The this.template.prepareStatement
statement failed due to an exception of can not get a database connection.
Wrap the beforeTest hook into a transaction to make it.
Inject a TransactionOperatoions
in the constructor of PostRepositoryTest
Then call the deletion in a callback.
override fun beforeEach(testCase: TestCase) {
val callback: TransactionCallback<Any, Int> = TransactionCallback { _: TransactionStatus<Any> ->
val sql = "delete from posts";
this.template.prepareStatement(sql) {
val cnt = tx.executeWrite(callback)
println("deleted $cnt");