I am trying to do some image processing with C#, I have an image in pictureBox1
and another one pictureBox2
. I loaded the original image with no gray scale into the first PictureBox and then put a button event handler to process the Bitmap in the image inside that frame to gray scale and then display the result of the processing into the second PictureBox. When I click the button an exception of type ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Parameter must be positive and < Width. (Parameter 'x')
. The code inside the button handler is below
//get the graysale representation of this image and assign
Bitmap mymap= new Bitmap(image_path);
//Rectangle myrect= new Rectangle(0,0,mymap.Width,mymap.Height);
Bitmap newmap=new Bitmap(mymap.Height,mymap.Width,mymap.PixelFormat);
Color p;
for(int y = 0; y < mymap.Height; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < mymap.Width; x++)
//get the opacity of this color
int a=p.A;
//get the red component of this pixel
int r = p.R;
//get the green component of this pixel
int g = p.G;
//get the blue component of this pixel
int b = p.B;
//get the average of these colors which is the gray scale
int av=(b+g+r)/ 3;
//assign to the new Bitmap
//assign to pictureBox 2
What am I doing wrong?
Change this:
To this:
Bitmap constructor expects parameters: Width, Height, PixelFormat