I have a query that is dynamically set up with a parameter. I query for lines with a varchar field that contains values that can begin with a '!'. But I get no match of those. I use SQLServer as the database server. If I take the sqlcode and run it directly in the database manager it works but not with TFDQuery. Se the code example below:
myParameter := '!Tommy';
with qryExec do
SQL.Clear ;
SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM myTable T WHERE T.Name='+quotedStr(myParameter));
active := true ;
if Not Eof then
Result := True;
end; //with
I have no idea what's wrong here, so I would be happy if anyone could come with an explanation.
I would suggest using actual parameters which also avoids the possibility of SQL injection. There are also overloaded versions of Open
that reduce the housekeeping lines.
FDQuery1.Open('SELECT * FROM myTable T WHERE T.Name= :NAME',['!Tommy'],[ftWideString]);