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Access float in (int * float) list in OCaml

I have a list of type (int * float) list.

So, as far as I understand it (I'm new to OCaml/Functional Programming) the list is structured like this: [(3, 1.0); (4, 2.0); (6, 0.1)].

Now I want to access the first element in each tuple in the list.

I'd be happy with an example solution and an explanation.


  • The suggestion from @glennsl in the comments about learning resources is spot on.

    If you want an example of getting a list comprised of the first element in each tuple: (fun (i, _) -> i) [(3, 1.0); (4, 2.0); (6, 0.1)]
 applies a function to each element in a list and builds a list of the resulting values. It's a simple concept and easy enough to implement in a few lines.

    let rec my_map f lst =
      match lst with
      | [] -> []
      | first::rest -> f first :: my_map f rest

    Or more tersely using function:

    let rec my_map f =
      | [] -> []
      | first::rest -> f first :: my_map f rest

    If we evaluated my_map (fun (i, _) -> i) [(3, 1.0); (4, 2.0); (6, 0.1)] it would work out something like:

    my_map (fun (i, _) -> i) [(3, 1.0); (4, 2.0); (6, 0.1)]
    3 :: my_map (fun (i, _) -> i) [(4, 2.0); (6, 0.1)]
    3 :: 4 :: my_map (fun (i, _) -> i) [(6, 0.1)]
    3 :: 4 :: 6 :: my_map (fun (i, _) -> i) []
    3 :: 4 :: 6 :: []
    [3; 4; 6]

    The anonymous function fun (i, _) -> i is one which takes a tuple of two items and returns the first. The second is unimportant to us, so we use _ rather than giving it a name.

    Note that this function is already defined in the standard library.

    # Stdlib.fst;;
    - : 'a * 'b -> 'a = <fun>