I am interested in what everything in the xml file below means:
and what the five integers in between rects mean.
14 18 1 2 -1.</_>
14 19 1 1 2.</_></rects>
OK, you are making this a bit harder than it has to be, but I'll try. I guess, you are asking about object detectors in OpnenCV. These are cascades of boosted classifiers which originate from Viola&Jones face detector which classify each image region/patch into object/background classes and are called scanning window object detectors.
is a series of more and more complex classifiers which try identify if an image patch contains a face (with higher and higher confidence).<trees>
should be even simpler classifiers which the stages are composed of.<feature>
is a simple hand-coded feature which extracts single value from an image.<rects>
are rectangular regions a feature is composed of.<tilted>
could be a binary value - if the feature is 45° rotated.<threshod>
is a threhold of the value of the feature.<left_val>
is a vote about the probability that the classified region contains face if the value of the feature is below the <threshold>
is a vote about the probability that the classified region contains face if the value of the feature is above the <threshold>
.PS: I could be wrong, I did my Ph.D. on this type of classifiers, I did not write OpenCV.