I'm trying to create a custom email header to use the SendGrid api.
Here's what I'm doing - but its not working:
class Mailman < ActionMailer::Base
default :from => "info@sample.com"
def send_message(name, email, message)
@name = name
@email = email
@message = message
mail(:to => 'info@sample.com',
:from => email,
:subject => "Message from the site",
:headers['X-SMTPAPI'] => "category: Drip Email"
Any help appreciated.
Thanks, Adam
You can use the #headers method of ActionMailer, I've edited your example to show how:
class Mailman < ActionMailer::Base
default :from => "info@sample.com"
def send_message(name, email, message)
@name = name
@email = email
@message = message
headers['X-SMTPAPI'] = '{"category": "Drip Email"}'
:to => 'info@sample.com',
:from => email,
:subject => "Message from the site"
Alternatively, you can pass a hash as an argument (to the method #headers) too:
headers {"SPECIFIC-HEADER-1" => "value", "ANOTHER-HEADER" => "and so..."}
I hope this can help you, and if not you always can check the rails guides: http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/action_mailer_basics.html.