In telegram app, when I type @Quizbot quiz:ViioLbLq
in message box, I get a widget above message box, and when I click on that widget, a message gets forwarded with a 'via Quizbot' text above.
When I do the same in telethon,
client.send_message(someone, "@Quizbot quiz:ViioLbLq")
only the plain text is forwarded someone i.e. @Quizbot quiz:ViioLbLq
I expect it to forward a full message with a 'via Quizbot' above. Why doesn't it work?
You need to use client.inline_query
for this:
results = await client.inline_query('Quizbot', 'quiz:ViioLbLq')
# send the first result to some chat
message = await results[0].click('some group username')