In my application I retrieve data from a remote server at a definite interval. Data is formatted as an array of objects and displayed in the HTML template via the angular async pipe.
I am using shareReplay()
to provide caching functionality:
private refresherToggleSales$: Subject<void>;
private displayLastSales$: Observable<Sale[]>;
public InjectSale$: Subject<Sale[]>;
get LastSales() : Observable<Sale[]> {
if (!this.displayLastSales$) {
const rTimer$ = timer(0, DefaultRefresh);
this.displayLastSales$ = rTimer$.pipe(
switchMap(_ => this.getLastSales()),
return merge(this.displayLastSales$, this.InjectSale$);
private getLastSales() : Observable<Sale[]> {
// get data from server
Whenever a sale is manually input in the application, I would like for it to be displayed immediately without having to wait for it to come from the server.
However if I call InjectLastSale$.next()
with a 1-element array it will completely replace all previous data.
How can I combine the two streams (without having one to wait on the other to complete)?
You're close! Just change up where you place your merge
get LastSales() : Observable<Sale[]> {
if (!this.displayLastSales$) {
this.displayLastSales$ = timer(0, DefaultRefresh).pipe(
switchMap(_ => this.getLastSales().pipe(
scan((acc, vals) => [...vals, ...acc], <Sale[]>[])
return this.displayLastSales$;