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NotImplementedError: ElasticNetworkInterfaces(AmazonVPC).describe_network_interface_attribute is not yet implemented

How describe a network interface attribute for a mock_ec2 in test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_description function?

@mock_ec2 def test_elastic_network_interfaces_get_by_description():
    ec2 = boto3.resource("ec2", region_name="us-east-1")
    ec2_client= ec2.meta.client

    vpc = ec2.create_vpc(CidrBlock="")
    subnet = ec2.create_subnet(, CidrBlock="", 

    desc = str(uuid4())
    eni1 = ec2.create_network_interface(, PrivateIpAddress="", Description=desc )

    # The status of the new interface should be 'available'
    waiter = ec2_client.get_waiter("network_interface_available")

    eni1.modify_attribute(SourceDestCheck={'Value': False})
    response = eni1.describe_attribute(Attribute='description')

python 3.7
mock 4.0.3
moto 2.1.0
sure 2.0.0
aiobotocore 1.4.2
boto3 1.18.2 botocore ​1.20.106
coverage 5.5

Image breakpoint debug in errorline

What is needed to implement or fix to run or pass the test?


  • If after update or scaffold-script of moto library the method is not implemented in a library yet and continue an error like this :

    NotImplementedError: ElasticNetworkInterfaces(AmazonVPC).describe_network_interface_attribute is not yet implemented

    An easy solution for the test is a monkeypatch function that lets simulates the method not implemented.

    def client_mock(Attribute='description'):
        return {
            'Attachment': {
                'AttachTime': 34545,
                'DeleteOnTermination': False,
                'DeviceIndex': 123,
                'NetworkCardIndex': 123,
                'InstanceId': 'eni1.instanceid',
            'Description': {
                'Value': 'Vpc network inteface'
            'Groups': [
                    'GroupName': 'name group',
                    'GroupId': 'grupoid'
            'NetworkInterfaceId': '',
            'SourceDestCheck': {
                'Value': False

    and put it with attributes on the pass at respective the function or method

    monkeypatch.setattr(eni1, "describe_attribute", client_mock)

    Solution with monkeypatch

    If you know a better solution, please post it!