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Install ruby with asdf on MacOS via Homebrew

I recently wanted to install a different Version of ruby and Rails on MacOS Big Sur 11.5 Beta. I Installed asdf via Homebrew. I wanted to run rails server but got the Message:

No preset version installed for command ruby
Please install a version by running one of the following:

asdf install ruby 3.0.2

or add one of the following versions in your config file at /Users/philippkorn/.tool-versions
ruby 3.0.1

When I try to run any asdf install ruby command (i.e. asdf install ruby latest) I get the following error message:

~ $ asdf install ruby latest                                                                                                                                                            (base)
Version not found

I tried reinstalling asdf with homebrew but the error persists...


  • I am facing same situation. It seems to be fixed soon.

    Edit ~/.asdf/plugins/ruby/bin/install and apply this patch then the problem is fixed for me.

    -  if [[ -n "$matching_version" ]]; then
    +  if [[ -z "$matching_version" ]]; then