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DotNetBenchmark throws reference assembly error

I want to test the performance of some methods using BenchmarkDotnet. Therefore, I downloaded the NuGet package added the usings and implemented it like this:


public class SortingAlgorithmBenchmark
    public void BubbleSort()
        SortingAlgorithms.BubbleSort(new[] {2,3,1});

The BenchmarkRunner is in a console application which should show the output. Unfortunately the I keep getting this error: MSB3971: The reference assemblies for ".NETFramework,Version=v6.0" were not found. You might be using an older .NET SDK to target .NET 5.0 or higher

I don´t know where this error comes from since I never had a problem with the assembly references before and everything should be installed properly. At least I don´t know what could be wrong. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem. I run the program in VS 2022 and the TargetFramework is .Net 6.0

dotnet sdk folder

Microsoft.NET folder


  • It turned out that the problem was an unnecessary environment variable which pointed to the wrong sdk. After deleting the variable and restarting Visual Studio everything worked out fine.