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Google sheets max cells limits and mitigations

I'd read online that Google sheets has a max cell limit of 5 million cells. A sheet that I'm currently working on has well and above passed that limit (including blank cells).

  1. What is the new limit?
  2. Also I'd manually checked how many cells I was using. Is there any function or script that I can use to keep a check?
  3. The sheet I'm working on is going to only get bigger and it's already lagging heavily. I'd love some suggestions on which platform I could move to next to handle such big data. There are so many options, it's mindboggling. I use Google sheets mainly for it's ease in collaboration, presentability and ease of use. Any other tool with these traits but with an ability to handle bigger data?


    1. in the early years, it was 5 million cells. last year this was upgraded to 10 million cells

      you can follow updates at:

    2. try:

      enter image description here

    3. take a look on Google DataStudio