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Prism - how to test ShowDialogAsync (Extension method being called instead of class method)

As we know, if there are method in a class and extension method with the same signature, the method in a class should be called instead of extension one.

So my problem is the next. I'm trying to mock IDialogService from Prism.Services.Dialogs. My goal is to have a mock for ShowDialogAsync method which could be tested (static/extensions methods couldn't be mocked).

The signature of ShowDialogAsync method is:

namespace Prism.Services.Dialogs
public static Task<IDialogResult> ShowDialogAsync(this IDialogService dialogService, 
   string name, IDialogParameters parameters = null);

So I created class MockDialogService:

namespace LoadApp.Core.Helpers
    public class MockDialogService : IDialogService
        public void ShowDialog(string name, IDialogParameters parameters, Action<IDialogResult> callback)
            //throw new NotImplementedException();

        public Task<IDialogResult> ShowDialogAsync(string name, IDialogParameters parameters = null)
            IDialogResult res = new DialogResult();
            return Task.FromResult(res);

    public class DialogResult : IDialogResult
        public Exception Exception { get; set; }
        public IDialogParameters Parameters { get; set; }

and use it in the test:

_dialogService = new MockDialogService();
var viewModel = new ViewModel(_dialogService);

During debug session I see dialogService in the model is the instance of my class MockDialogService. But ShowDialogAsync method from my class doesn't call, it is extension method still called. What I missed? Thank you in advance.


  • After spending some time I found the workaround.

    I created my own extension method:

    public static class MyDialogServiceExtensions
        public static Task<IDialogResult> ShowDialogAsync(this IDialogService dialogService, string name, IDialogParameters parameters = null)
            if (dialogService is MockDialogService myService)
                return myService.ShowDialogAsync(name, parameters);
            return IDialogServiceExtensions.ShowDialogAsync(dialogService, name, parameters);

    and changed calls

    await dialogService.ShowDialogAsync("MyDialogPage", parameters); 


    await MyDialogServiceExtensions.ShowDialogAsync(dialogService, "MyDialogPage", parameters);

    P.S. I changed the question name to help others who have the same problem to find this topic.