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How to use a JWT internally and an opaque token externally for microservices using spring

(This is for a university project so keep in mind that there is slightly less security than in a real-world application and its only an API no front-end)

I am implementing a microservices-based app and need to implement authentication and authorization. I was thinking of using JWTs since I can authenticate the user and also add their privileges into the JWT. However, I saw that they can be altered fairly easily due to the not ideal algorithms used for the signature. I looked at this article

and chose this architecture

However I can't seem to find whether spring has functionality for mapping opaque keys to JWTs in the gateway service, so I can give my user an opaque key and use a JWT internally.


  • as slauth mentioned in the comments, the need for an opaque token can be avoided by using an asymmetric algorithm for signing the JWTs thus making them tamper-proof