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how to disable rpm-maven-plugin on sub modules

I have a maven project that has submodules:


When I do a "maven package", it creates a /target/foo.jar. Good.

When I do a "maven rpm:rpm", my build fails because when it goes to build one of the childs, it says:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.codehaus.mojo:rpm-maven-plugin:2.1-alpha-3:attached-rpm (default-cli)
on project child1: Source location target/foo.jar does not exist

I don't want the child projects to do an rpm. I only want the parent to rpm its artifact.

The documentation says:

If this goal is run on a project with modules, 
it will run the "rpm:rpm" goal on each module, rather than packaging 
the modules into a single RPM.

Is there a way to get around this? I cannot have the rpm be created when doing a "mvn package", since it does not work on a mac, which is what most people develop on here: the rpm should only be created when doing a "mvn rpm:rpm", or similar command.

Here is the parent pom:


Here is the child:



  • There is a property for that.
