I have a need to continuously generate the same HTTP request over a defined duration but with a random varying number of objects in the body (within a 1-99 range), on each thread loop and my requirement is that at the end of the script I should end up with a calculated average of 3 such objects. So I think that I need to somehow store the number of objects from each HTTP request (under concurrent heavy load) and then influence the creation of these objects during runtime so that I may reach my goal of 3 at the end of the script duration.
In Jmeter, I have a HTTP Request Sampler with some static XML body and some variable which holds a place in which I insert dynamically generated data. I have a JSR223 Preprocessor as a child element for the purpose of the dynamical data generation. That preprocessor has code which can generate one XML node or more based on an int parameter. If I say I want to create 2 XML nodes, I set that parameter to 2. I can create 1 or 99 such nodes. Then I insert this XML nodes into the body payload of the HTTP Request Sampler in the variable place, on each request.
Example of what I call XML nodes. In this example I have 3 such nodes. One node is between tags:
<object a='false' b='false' pReqID='ID00001'>
<al ad='2021-09-20' alc='bla' bla='2021-09-20T11:00:00.000Z' sn='AB8912' />
<doc docType='P' docId='555551555' name='Braiden' date='12/31/2022' />
<object a='false' b='false' pReqID='ID00002'>
<al ad='2021-09-20' alc='bla' bla='2021-09-20T11:00:00.000Z' sn='AB8912' />
<doc docType='P' docId='100000001' name='Dominique' date='12/10/2024' />
<object a='false' b='false' pReqID='ID00003'>
<al ad='2021-09-20' alc='bla' bla='2021-09-20T11:00:00.000Z' sn='AB8912' />
<doc docType='P' docId='100000002' name='Joyce' date='11/15/2025' />
My need is to generate HTTP requests with varying XML nodes in the body each time, but at the end of the script duration, I should end up with a calculated number of 3 .
I know that I can do a random function between 1 and 99 to generate random nodes inside my HTTP request body on each run, but I don't know how to control the average number of nodes as the script is running so that by the time the script is over I would end up with a number of sent samples and these samples should have bodies with varying content nodes between 1 and 99, but on average the calculated result should be 3.
For example let's say that I send the same HTTP request with 2 threads and 5 loops, so 10 times in total, but of those 10 times, the body of the request contained 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 XML nodes. On average this would be 5.5, but I don't know how to measure and control/influence this result according to my wants from JMeter.
How could JMeter check the average and control/influence the nodes generation on each request so that on average after the script has run for a certain duration (2hours) this average becomes what I want it to be?
I don't think it's possible because you don't know how many iterations will happen in 2 hours. You can get quite close to 3, but if the number of calls fluctuates the mean will fluctuate as well.
If you switch to fixed number of iterations from 2 hours execution you could go for:
Pre-generating the data set like it's described in the Generate random number by given certain mean and standard deviation in Excel article and then using CSV Data Set Config to read the number of elements in the current message
If you want to do it in JMeter runtime take a look at Random.nextGaussian() function, you can control the standard deviation by multiplication and mean by addition like
nextGaussian() * desiredStandardDeviation + desiredMean