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Change NavigationPage Backbutton color from DynamicResource

Found this for change to change the color of the backbutton .

NavigationPage.SetIconColor(this, Color.FromHex("#FFFF00"));

The backgroudcolor of the page i change with DynamicResource.


  App.Current.Resources["defaultBackgroundColor"] = Preferences.Get("BackgroundColor", "#1D252D");

For the Backcolor of the backbutton i tryed this but not working because Color.FromHex i think ,can i change the FromHex part in to ?

  NavigationPage.SetIconColor(this, Color.FromHex("{DynamicResource defaultBackgroundColor}"));


  • If you want to use color from ResourceDictionary , you can access it first and pass the result color to the second parameter of method NavigationPage.SetIconColor.

    Please refer to the following code:

            Color color = (Color)Application.Current.Resources["defaultBackgroundColor"];
            NavigationPage.SetIconColor(this, color);

    The defaultBackgroundColor is a color in Application.Resources:

            <!-- Colors -->
            <Color x:Key="defaultBackgroundColor">Red</Color>
            <Color x:Key="Yellow">#ffd966</Color>