I have built a simple custom function in Apps Script using URLFetchApp to get the follower count for TikTok accounts.
function tiktok_fans() {
var raw_data = new RegExp(/("followerCount":)([0-9]+)/g);
var handle = '@charlidamelio';
var web_content = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/'+ handle + '?lang=en').getContentText();
var match_text = raw_data.exec(web_content);
var result = (match_text[2]);
return result
The Log comes back with the correct number for followers.
However, when I change the code to;
function tiktok_fans(handle) {
var raw_data = new RegExp(/("followerCount":)([0-9]+)/g);
//var handle = '@charlidamelio';
var web_content = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/'+ handle + '?lang=en').getContentText();
var match_text = raw_data.exec(web_content);
var result = (match_text[2]);
return result
and use it in a spreadsheet for example =tiktok_fans(A1)
, where A1 has @charlidamelio
I get an #ERROR
response in the cell
TypeError: Cannot read property '2' of null (line 6).
Why does it work in the logs but not in the spreadsheet?
--additional info--
Still getting the same error after testing @Tanaike answer below, "TypeError: Cannot read property '2' of null (line 6)."
Have mapped out manually to see the error, each time the below runs, a different log returns "null". I believe this is to do with the ContentText size/in the cache. I have tried utilising Utilities.sleep()
in between functions with no luck, I still get null's.
var raw_data = new RegExp(/("followerCount":)([0-9]+)/g);
//tiktok urls
var qld = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/@thisisqueensland?lang=en').getContentText();
var nsw = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/@visitnsw?lang=en').getContentText();
var syd = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/@sydney?lang=en').getContentText();
var tas = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/@tasmania?lang=en').getContentText();
var nt = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/@ntaustralia?lang=en').getContentText();
var nz = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/@purenz?lang=en').getContentText();
var aus = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/@australia?lang=en').getContentText();
var vic = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/@visitmelbourne?lang=en').getContentText();
//find folowers with regex
var match_qld = raw_data.exec(qld);
var match_nsw = raw_data.exec(nsw);
var match_syd = raw_data.exec(syd);
var match_tas = raw_data.exec(tas);
var match_nt = raw_data.exec(nt);
var match_nz = raw_data.exec(nz);
var match_aus = raw_data.exec(aus);
var match_vic = raw_data.exec(vic);
From your situation, I remembered that the request of UrlFetchApp with the custom function is different from the request of UrlFetchApp with the script editor. So I thought that the reason for your issue might be related to this thread. https://stackoverflow.com/a/63024816 In your situation, your situation seems to be the opposite of this thread. But, it is considered that this issue is due to the specification of the site.
In order to check this difference, I checked the file size of the retrieved HTML data.
From the above result, it is found that the retrieved HTML is different between the script editor and the custom function. Namely, the HTML data retrieved by the custom function doesn't include the regex of ("followerCount":)([0-9]+)
. By this, such an error occurs. I thought that this might be the reason for your issue.
When I tested your situation with Web Apps and triggers, the same issue occurs. By this, in the current stage, I thought that the method for automatically executing the script might not be able to be used. So, as a workaround, how about using a button and the custom menu? When the script is run by the button and the custom menu, the script works. It seems that this method is the same as that of the script editor.
The sample script is as follows.
Before you run the script, please set range
. For example, please assign this function to a button on Spreadsheet. When you click the button, the script is run. In this sample, it supposes that the values like @charlidamelio
are put to the column "A".
function sample() {
var range = "A2:A10"; // Please set the range of "handle".
var raw_data = new RegExp(/("followerCount":)([0-9]+)/g);
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var r = sheet.getRange(range);
var values = r.getValues();
var res = values.map(([handle]) => {
if (handle != "") {
var web_content = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/'+ handle + '?lang=en').getContentText();
var match_text = raw_data.exec(web_content);
return [match_text[2]];
return [""];
r.offset(0, 1).setValues(res);
About the following additional question,
whilst this works for 1 TikTok handle, when trying to run a list of multiple it fails each time, with the error TypeError: Cannot read property '2' of null. After doing some investigating and manually mapping out 8 handles, I can see that each time it runs, it returns "null" for one or more of the web_content variables. Is there a way to slow the script down/run each UrlFetchApp one at a time to ensure each returns content?
i've tried this and still getting an error. Have tried up to 10000ms. I've added some more detail to the original question, hope this makes sense as to the error. It is always in a different log that I get nulls, hence why I think it's a timing or cache issue.
In this case, how about the following sample script?
In this sample script, when the value cannot be retrieved from the URL, the value is tried to retrieve again as the retry. This sample script uses the 2 times as the retry. So when the value cannot be retrieved by 2 retries, the empty value is returned.
function sample() {
var range = "A2:A10"; // Please set the range of "handle".
var raw_data = new RegExp(/("followerCount":)([0-9]+)/g);
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var r = sheet.getRange(range);
var values = r.getValues();
var res = values.map(([handle]) => {
if (handle != "") {
var web_content = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/'+ handle + '?lang=en').getContentText();
var match_text = raw_data.exec(web_content);
if (!match_text || match_text.length != 3) {
var retry = 2; // Number of retry.
for (var i = 0; i < retry; i++) {
web_content = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://www.tiktok.com/'+ handle + '?lang=en').getContentText();
match_text = raw_data.exec(web_content);
if (match_text || match_text.length == 3) break;
return [match_text && match_text.length == 3 ? match_text[2] : ""];
return [""];
r.offset(0, 1).setValues(res);
and Utilities.sleep(3000)