After reading several sources, I came up with the following memo
function for memoization in Haskell with "generalized recursion." But it doesn't work. Why?!
fib f 0 = 1
fib f 1 = 1
fib f n = fib f (n - 1) + fib f (n - 2)
memo f n = fList !! n
where fList = map (f (fList !!)) [0..]
Recursive run w/o memoization
λ> fix fib 30
(1.65 secs, 962,135,992 bytes)
It takes the same time as a "memoized" version:
λ> memo fib 30
(1.62 secs, 962,141,192 bytes)
However, the following works:
fibMemoDirect n = fibList !! n
where fibList = map fib [0..]
fib 0 = 1
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fibList !! (n - 1) + fibList !! (n - 2)
λ> fibMemoDirect 30
(0.01 secs, 93,728 bytes)
Why doesn't memo fib
above work as fast as fibMemoDirect
given that both use CAF?
You've almost gotten it, but your third line needs to be
fib f n = f (n-1) + f (n-2)
...or else you're not even using f
and just writing a normal, recursive, exponential Fibonacci function.