Im trying to call an api on login button tap, the api is been called, and is returning the right data, but the builder is not been called, neither the CircularProgressIndicator:
class _LoginState extends State<Login> {
Future<LoginModel> getLoginData(String username, String password) async {
var loginModel = await LoginAuthentication().login('name', 'pass');
return loginModel;
... on button click im calling a widget
void _loginTapped(BuildContext context) {
Future<Widget> buildLoginAPI(BuildContext context) async {
return FutureBuilder<LoginModel>(
future: getLoginData('',''),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Center(
child: Text(
textScaleFactor: 1.3,
//TODO: Handle data: store the tokens in preferences
// final result =;
} else {
return const CircularProgressIndicator();
return const CircularProgressIndicator();
I don't understand exactly what you are trying to achieve here. FutureBuilder is a widget that we use to wait for some data to be fetched and show something on the screen accordingly to that data. I will assume You want to show data that is being fetched: You should not put the FutureBuilder as a return from a function (buildLoginAPI in our case) but instead, you should put the FutureBuilder directly in your widgets tree ( In your scaffold body as an example ) This way the FutureBuilder will show data that is being fetched from the function getLoginData ( Note that you have to call the function so that the data get fetched, you can do that either by calling it in initState or by pressing a button )
//Here the FutureBuilder can be the body of a scaffold for example
return Scaffold(
body :FutureBuilder<LoginModel>(
future: getLoginData('',''),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.done) {
if (snapshot.hasError) {
return Center(
child: Text(
textScaleFactor: 1.3,
//TODO: Handle data: store the tokens in preferences
// final result =;
} else {
return const CircularProgressIndicator();
return const CircularProgressIndicator();
and for the function getLoginData you can call it by pressing a button, Example:
child: Text("Fetch Data"),
onPressed: ()=>getLoginData('',''),