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MVC 4 - Object reference not set to an instance of an object. when POST action and index each row

I have two issues in this question

I want to post multiple rows in each table but when I post I get this error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. when POST action

in this segment of code:

foreach (var p in hdrdtl.TBHDR)

VS remarks hdrdtl.TBHDR as have the issue.

How can I solve this issue?

My model class:

namespace Mvc_CSS.Models
    public class HeaderDetailModels
        public virtual List<TB_RST_SVCHDR> TBHDR { get; set; }
        public virtual List<TB_RST_SVCDTL> TBDTL { get; set; }


public ActionResult Index()
    var hdrdtl = new HeaderDetailModels
            TBHDR = new List<Mvc_CSS.TB_RST_SVCHDR> { new TB_RST_SVCHDR { REQ_NO = 0, REQUESTOR_EMPNAME = "", REQUESTOR_EMPNO = "", DEPT_CD = "", ORG_NAME = "", EMAIL_ID = "", APPROVER1 = "", APPROVER2 = "", TOTAL_AMOUNT = 0, REQUEST_DATE = DateTime.Now, APPROVAL_DATE = DateTime.Now, EVENT_DATE = DateTime.Now, EVENT_PLACE = "", PURPOSE = "", REMARKS = "", STATUS = "", EXT = "" } },
            TBDTL = new List<Mvc_CSS.TB_RST_SVCDTL> { new TB_RST_SVCDTL { REQ_NO = 0, SEQ_NO = 0, ITEM_ID = 0, QUANTITY = 0, UOM = "", UNIT_PRICE = 0, EXTENDED_AMT = 0 } },
    // List<Mvc_CSS.TB_RST_SVCHDR> hdr = new List<Mvc_CSS.TB_RST_SVCHDR> { new TB_RST_SVCHDR { REQ_NO = 0, REQUESTOR_EMPNAME = "", REQUESTOR_EMPNO = "", DEPT_CD = "", ORG_NAME = "", EMAIL_ID = "", APPROVER1 = "", APPROVER2 = "", TOTAL_AMOUNT = 0, REQUEST_DATE = DateTime.Now, APPROVAL_DATE = DateTime.Now, EVENT_DATE = DateTime.Now, EVENT_PLACE = "", PURPOSE = "", REMARKS = "", STATUS = "", EXT = "" } };

    Entities db = new Entities();

    return View(hdrdtl);

public ActionResult Index(HeaderDetailModels hdrdtl)
    Entities db = new Entities();

    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        using (Entities cd = new Entities())
            foreach (var p in hdrdtl.TBHDR)
                p.STATUS = "N";
                p.CRT_DATE = DateTime.Now;
                p.APPROVER3 = "[email protected]";


            hdrdtl = new HeaderDetailModels
                    TBHDR = new List<Mvc_CSS.TB_RST_SVCHDR> { new TB_RST_SVCHDR { REQ_NO = 0, REQUESTOR_EMPNAME = "", REQUESTOR_EMPNO = "", DEPT_CD = "", ORG_NAME = "", EMAIL_ID = "", APPROVER1 = "", APPROVER2 = "", TOTAL_AMOUNT = 0, REQUEST_DATE = DateTime.Now, APPROVAL_DATE = DateTime.Now, EVENT_DATE = DateTime.Now, EVENT_PLACE = "", PURPOSE = "", REMARKS = "", STATUS = "", EXT = "" } },
                    TBDTL = new List<Mvc_CSS.TB_RST_SVCDTL> { new TB_RST_SVCDTL { REQ_NO = 0, SEQ_NO = 0, ITEM_ID = 0, QUANTITY = 0, UOM = "", UNIT_PRICE = 0, EXTENDED_AMT = 0 } },

    return View(hdrdtl);


@model Mvc_CSS.Models.HeaderDetailModels

@using (Html.BeginForm("Index","Home", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "fdata" }))

        @if (Model != null && Model.TBHDR.Count > 0)
            int m = 0;
            foreach (var p in Model.TBHDR)
            <th>Date & Time Requested</th>
            <td>@Html.TextBoxFor(mod => p.REQUEST_DATE)</td>
            <th>@Html.TextBoxFor(mod => p.PURPOSE)</th>
            <th>@Html.TextBoxFor(mod => p.EXT)</th>
            <center><input type="submit" value="Submit Request" id="semail"/></center>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css">
<script src="//"></script>

How can I index each row in the table?

I know there are too many issues but I appreciate your support


  • try to replace foreach loop by for loop

       for (var i=0; i< Model.TBHDR.Count; i++)
                <td>@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.TBHDR[i].REQUEST_DATE)</td>
                <th>@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.TBHDR[i].PURPOSE)</th>
                <th>@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.TBHDR[i].EXT)</th>