I'm trying to deploy an Application Load Balancer to AWS using Terraform's kubernetes_ingress
I'm using aws-load-balancer-controller which I've installed using helm_release
resource to my cluster.
Now I'm trying to deploy a deployment
with a service
and ingress
This is how my service
looks like:
resource "kubernetes_service" "questo-server-service" {
metadata {
name = "questo-server-service-${var.env}"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.app-namespace.metadata.0.name
spec {
selector = {
"app.kubernetes.io/name" = lookup(kubernetes_deployment.questo-server.metadata.0.labels, "app.kubernetes.io/name")
port {
port = 80
target_port = 4000
type = "LoadBalancer"
And this is how my ingress
looks like:
resource "kubernetes_ingress" "questo-server-ingress" {
wait_for_load_balancer = true
metadata {
name = "questo-server-ingress-${var.env}"
namespace = kubernetes_namespace.app-namespace.metadata.0.name
annotations = {
"kubernetes.io/ingress.class" = "alb"
"alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type" = "instance"
spec {
rule {
http {
path {
path = "/*"
backend {
service_name = kubernetes_service.questo-server-service.metadata.0.name
service_port = 80
The issue is that when I run terraform apply
it creates a Classic Load Balancer instead of an Application Load Balancer.
I've tried changing service
's type to NodePort
but it didn't help.
I've also tried with adding more annotations to ingress
like "alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-name" = "${name}"
but then the it created two load balancers at once! One internal ALB and one internet facing CLB.
Any ideas how I can create an internet facing Application Load Balancer using this setup?
--- Update ----
I've noticed, that actually, the service
is the Classic Load Balancer via which I can connect to my deployment
Ingress creates an ALB, but it's prefixed with internal
, so my questions here is, how to create an internet facing ALB?
Try using the alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
You find a list of all available annotations here: https://kubernetes-sigs.github.io/aws-load-balancer-controller/v2.2/guide/ingress/annotations/