I have the following code:
with unioned as (
{{ dbt_utils.union_relations(
select * from unioned
It produces this sql
create or replace transient table POS_DATA.dbt_dev.retail_inventory_snapshot_stg as
with unioned as (
cast('POS_DATA.dbt_dev.blaze_inventory_stg' as
) as _dbt_source_relation,
from POS_DATA.dbt_dev.blaze_inventory_stg
select * from unioned
Clearly its not getting all of the column names from that table and inserting them. Why is this? I have read here that the dbt_utils.union_relation relies on the information schema to build its query. Perhaps snowflakes information schema is undiscoverable by dbt?
I ran into the same problem - or what seems to be the same problem, also using DBT on Snowflake.
In my case, I had not quoted the columns when creating the sources, so the case was Snowflake default (uppercase). This doesn't match the include list since it is all lowercase.
So, I my case, I first removed the include list (created a copy of the source table). That worked.
Then I tried the include list, but upper cased, and voila - it works as expected.