Hello Everyone I just want to ask is there's a way we can execute FIX Protocol testing using Jmeter? Currently were using a tool and I just want to convert using Jmeter. Your response is highly appreciated. Thankyou
Current Tool:
Note: The Request data uses also the JSON format
Expected Result: I want to convert this request/response via Jmeter.
I'm not aware of any existing plugins, however you can use a Java client library like QuickFIX/J and write the code for sending messages using JSR223 Sampler and Groovy language
Code examples can be found in the user manual, here is an example for sending the message just in case:
import quickfix.*;
Message message = new Message();
// BeginString
message.getHeader().setField(new StringField(8, "FIX.4.2"));
// SenderCompID
message.getHeader().setField(new StringField(49, "TW"));
// TargetCompID, with enumeration
message.getHeader().setField(new StringField(56, "TARGET"));
// MsgType
message.getHeader().setField(new CharField(35, 'F'));
// OrigClOrdID
message.setField(new StringField(41, "123"));
// ClOrdID
message.setField(new StringField(11, "321"));
// Symbol
message.setField(new StringField(55, "LNUX"));
// Side, with value enumeration
message.setField(new CharField(54, Side.BUY));
// Text
message.setField(new StringField(58, "Cancel My Order!"));
Alternatively you can create your own plugin for JMeter to make scripts creation and execution easier and faster