Search code examples

Select Value by Max Date

I have a table in a PostgreSQL database with data like:

id  customer_id   item       value     timestamp

 1  001           price       1000     11/1/2021
 2  001           price       1500     11/2/2021
 3  001           condition   good     11/3/2021
 4  002           condition   bad      11/4/2021
 5  002           condition   good     11/5/2021
 6  002           price       1000     11/6/2021
 7  001           condition   good     11/7/2021
 8  001           price       1400     11/8/2021
 9  002           price       1500     11/9/2021
10  001           condition    ok      11/10/2021
11  002           price       1600     11/11/2021
12  002           price       1550     11/12/2021

From this table, I want to query the latest value by date and convert it to a table as below.

customer_id   price   condition
   001        1400      ok
   002        1550     good

To get this kind of table I tried with this below query, but it did not work well when there are too much data. (Operation like Min and Max to text and number)

I tested this in pgAdmin 4:

SELECT customer_id,
MAX (Case WHEN item='price' THEN value END) price,
MAX (Case WHEN item='condition' THEN value END) condition

FROM table_name GROUP BY customer_id

I want to query the value by the latest date updated data.


  • Your relational design might be improved. It's an anti-pattern to mix different types of data in the same column.

    While stuck with the given setup, two subqueries with DISTINCT ON and a FULL OUTER JOIN do the job:

    SELECT customer_id, p.value AS price, c.value AS condition
    FROM  (
       SELECT DISTINCT ON (customer_id)
              customer_id, value
       FROM   tbl
       WHERE  item = 'condition'
       ORDER  BY customer_id, timestamp DESC
       ) c
       SELECT DISTINCT ON (customer_id)
              customer_id, value
       FROM   tbl
       WHERE  item = 'price'
       ORDER  BY customer_id, timestamp DESC
       ) p USING (customer_id)

    db<>fiddle here


    This assumes timestamp to be defined NOT NULL, or you'll want NULLS LAST.

    Depending on undisclosed cardinalities and value distribution, there may be (much) faster query variants.
    If there is a customer table with distinct customer_id, (much) faster query styles become possible.

    These partial, multicolumn indexes would be perfect to make it fast in any case:

    CREATE INDEX tbl_condition_special_idx ON tbl (customer_id, timestamp DESC, value) WHERE item = 'condition';
    CREATE INDEX tbl_price_special_idx     ON tbl (customer_id, timestamp DESC, value) WHERE item = 'price';
