Search code examples

SQL Server: Generate WHERE clause from resultset ids?

I have a query that produces the following resultset:

ID (text)    VAL
 1           A
 2           B
 3           C

I want to generate a WHERE clause from the resultset IDs:

where id in ('1','2','3')

With Oracle, I can use the following query to generate a WHERE clause:

with a as (


select 'where id in ('
  || listagg(id, ',') within group(order by id)
  || ')' as where_clause
from a

Is there a way to do the same sort of thing using SQL Server?

Related: Oracle: Generate WHERE clause from resultset ids?


  • Just try this.

    with a as (
    SELECT 'WHERE id IN (' +
      + ')' as where_clause
    FROM a

    then you will get WHERE id IN (1,2,3)

    If you want to get WHERE id IN ('1','2','3') then you can change like following

    SELECT 'WHERE id IN (''' +
          STRING_AGG(id, ''',''') WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY id) 
          + ''')' as where_clause
    FROM a