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How do you send a query to a neo4j server from Elasticsearch devtools?

I have a neo instance and a Elasticsearch instance running on a docker compose container. I would like to eventually create visualization using Elasticsearch using Neo4j data but first I need to find a way to get the two to talk. I have the APOC plugin also if that is relevant. What is the syntax for talking to neo from Devtools in Elastic? Here is what I have so far

Works on Neo4j:

call apoc.bolt.load("bolt://neo4j:fall2021@localhost:7687","match(n) RETURN n LIMIT 5")

Does not work on Elastic:

GET apoc.bolt.load("bolt://neo4j:fall2021@localhost:7687")


  • To echo the above comments, you cannot do this.

    Kibana will only ever talk to the Elasticsearch instance it has been configured to talk to.