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How should an input string be read into a shunting yard algorithm calculator?

I have implemented the basic structure of the shunting yard algorithm, but I'm not sure how to read in values that are either multidigit or functions. Here's what I have currently for reading in values:

string input;
getline(cin, input);
input.erase(remove_if(input.begin(), input.end(), ::isspace), input.end());
//passes into function here
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); ++i) {
    string s = input.substr(i, 1);
//code continues

As you can see, this method can only parse one character at a time, so it is extremely flawed. I also have tried searching up reading in values or parsing them but haven't found a result that is relevant here.

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  • In order to run shunting-yard, you're going to want to tokenize your string first. That is, turn 12+4into {'12','+','4'}. Then you can just use the tokens to run shunting yard. A naive infix lexing algorithm might like this:

    lex(string) {
        buffer = ""
        output = {}
        for character in string {
            if character is not whitespace {
                if character is operator {
                    append buffer to output
                    append character to output
                    buffer = ""
                } else {
                    append character to buffer
         append buffer to output
         return output

    Real lexers are a lot more complicated and are a prime field of study in compiler design.