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Bash script with jq wont get date difference from strings, and runs quite slowly on i7 16GB RAM

Need to find the difference between TradeCloseTime and TradeOpenTime time in dd:hh:mm format for the Exposure column in the following script.

Also the script runs super slow (~4 mins for 800 rows of json, on Core i7 16gb RAM machine)

echo "TradeNo, TradeOpenType, TradeCloseType, TradeOpenSource, TradeCloseSource, TradeOpenTime, TradeCloseTime, PNL, Exposure" > tradelist.csv
tradecount=$(jq -r '.performance.numberOfTrades|tonumber' D.json)
for ((i=0; i<$tradecount; i++))
tradeNo=$(jq -r '.trades['$i']|[.tradeNo][]|tonumber' D.json)
entrySide=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[0]|[.side][]' D.json)
exitSide=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[1]|[.side][]' D.json)
entrySource=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[0]|[.source][]' D.json)
exitSource=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[1]|[.source][]' D.json)
tradeEntryTime=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[0]|[.placedTime][]' D.json | tr -d 'Z' |  tr -s 'T' ' ')
tradeExitTime=$(jq -r '.trades['$i'].orders[1]|[.placedTime][]' D.json | tr -d 'Z' |  tr -s 'T' ' ')
profitPercentage=$(jq -r '(.trades['$i']|[.profitPercentage][0]|tonumber)*(100)' D.json)
echo $tradeNo","$entrySide","$exitSide","$entrySource","$exitSource","$tradeEntryTime","$tradeExitTime","$profitPercentage | tr -d '"' >> tradelist.csv

json file looks like this



  • You can do it all (extracts, conversions and formatting) with one jq call:

    echo 'TradeNo,TradeOpenType,TradeCloseType,TradeOpenSource,TradeCloseSource,TradeOpenTime,TradeCloseTime,PNL,Exposure'
      | [
        (.orders[0].placedTime | fromdate | strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
        (.orders[1].placedTime | fromdate | strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
        .profitPercentage * 100,
          (.orders[1].placedTime | fromdate) - (.orders[0].placedTime | fromdate)
          | (. / 86400 | floor | tostring) + (. % 86400 | strftime(":%H:%M"))
    jq -r "$query" < D.json > tradelist.csv

    example of JSON (cleaned of all irrelevant keys):

      "trades": [
          "tradeNo": 0,
          "profitPercentage": -0.00549085,
          "orders": [
              "side": "Long",
              "placedTime": "2018-12-16T21:34:46Z",
              "source": "SIGNAL"
              "side": "CloseLong",
              "placedTime": "2019-09-17T19:15:00Z",
              "source": "SIGNAL"


    0,"Long","CloseLong","SIGNAL","SIGNAL","2018-12-16 21:34:46","2019-09-17 20:15:00",-0.549085,"274:22:40"

    If you want to get rid of the double quotes that jq adds when generating a CSV (which are completely valid, but you need a real parser to read the CSV) then you can replace @csv with @tsv and post-process the output with tr '\t' ',', like this:

    jq -r "$query" < D.json | tr '\t' ',' > tradelist.csv

    and you'll get:

    0,Long,CloseLong,SIGNAL,SIGNAL,2018-12-16 21:34:46,2019-09-17 20:15:00,-0.549085,274:22:40

    note: This method of getting rid of the " in the CSV is only accurate when there is no \n \t \r \ , or " characters in the input data.