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Redux dispatch in useEffect causing infinite rerender

I have tried searching previous similar questions but many of the answers suggest passing in a dependency array to useEffect, which I already have done.

This is basically a user's show page:

const Profile = ({ currentUser, profileOwner, getProfileInfo, isMine }) => {
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [profileOwner]);

  return (stuff)

This is its container:

const mapStateToProps = ({ session, users }, ownProps) => ({
  currentUser: users[],
  profileOwner: users[ownProps.params.userId],
  isMine: === parseInt(ownProps.params.userId),

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
  getProfileInfo: () => dispatch(getProfileInfo(ownProps.params.userId)),

And this is the action that I assume is somehow causing the re-render:

export const getProfileInfo = (userId) => (dispatch) =>
  axios.get(`/api/users/${userId}`).then((res) =>
    .then((user) => dispatch(receiveProfileOwner(user)));

If I take profileOwner out of the dependency array, there is no more infinite loop, but then it won't fetch the user data if I navigate to a different user's profile. As far as I can see, the value of profileOwner shouldn't be changing at all after it was fetched the first time, so it is still a puzzle to me why I have this problem.


  • It looks like using profileOwner as the dependency was the mistake. The component already receives the routing params as props, so I changed the useEffect to this:

    const Profile = ({ currentUser, profileOwner, getProfileInfo, isMine, params: { userId } }) => {
      useEffect(() => {
      }, [userId]);

    It's kind of messy, and I expect that there is a better way to do this than adding more props, but it does solve the problem.