I'm OOP guy, recently I have to work on Golang the language that I haven't done it before. Though I already went through many articles talking about composition, I notice it's a bit tricky to use it properly on Golang
Let's say I have two examples of Golang composition, I don't know which one will be correct, and would it be different between of them? Thank you
First example
type BaseClass struct {
db *DB
func NewBaseClass(db *DB) *BaseClass {
return &BaseClass{db}
type ChildrenClass1 struct {
baseClass *BaseClass
func NewChildrenClass1(db *DB) *ChildrenClass1 {
baseClass := NewBaseClass(db)
return &ChildrenClass1{baseClass}
type ChildrenClass2 struct {
baseClass *BaseClass
func NewChildrenClass2(db *DB) *ChildrenClass2 {
baseClass := NewBaseClass(db)
return &ChildrenClass2{baseClass}
func main(){
db := NewDB()
chilrend1 := NewChildrenClass1(db)
chilrend2 := NewChildrenClass2(db)
Second example
type BaseClass struct {
db *DB
func NewBaseClass(db *DB) *BaseClass {
return &BaseClass{db}
type ChildrenClass1 struct {
baseClass *BaseClass
func NewChildrenClass1(baseClass *BaseClass) *ChildrenClass1 {
return &ChildrenClass1{baseClass}
type ChildrenClass2 struct {
baseClass *BaseClass
func NewChildrenClass2(baseClass *BaseClass) *ChildrenClass2 {
return &ChildrenClass2{baseClass}
func main(){
db := NewDB()
baseClass := NewBaseClass(db)
chilrend1 := NewChildrenClass1(baseClass)
chilrend2 := NewChildrenClass2(baseClass)
In Go you probably will not find a proper way to define composition or aggregation as you may find in many other languages that are OOP based. This is just because Go has no classes, no objects, no exceptions, and no templates.
But Go has structs. Structs are user-defined types. Struct types (with methods) serve similar purposes to classes in other languages.
Said that, let's see some common definitions and see what we can do:
Composition implies a relationship where the child cannot exist independent of the parent. Example: House (parent) and Room (child). Rooms don't exist separate to a House[1].
Aggregation, in other hand, implies a relationship where the child can exist independently of the parent. Example: Classroom (parent) and Student (child). Delete the Classroom and the Students still exist[1].
So, in aggregation and composition the "instance" "owns" an object of another type. But there is a subtle difference: Aggregation implies a relationship where the child can exist independently of the parent. Composition implies a relationship where the child cannot exist independent of the parent.
So far, that's what we know now from composition:
Answer to your question: Both looks correct but,
I re-wrote your code on an attempt to exemplify it:
First example re-written
package main
//Lamp struct is here to suppress the *DB that was in the original example
type Lamp struct {}
type Room struct {
Lamps *[]Lamp
func NewRoom(l *[]Lamp) *Room {
return &Room{l}
type House1 struct {
Room *Room
func NewHouse1(l *[]Lamp) *House1 {
r := NewRoom(l)
return &House1{r}
type House2 struct {
Room *Room
func NewHouse2(l *[]Lamp) *House2 {
r := NewRoom(l)
return &House2{r}
func main(){
lamps := []Lamp{}
house1 := NewHouse1(&lamps)
house2 := NewHouse2(&lamps)
Second example re-written:
package main
type LibraryCard struct {}
type Student struct {
LibCard *LibraryCard
func NewStudent(l *LibraryCard) *Student {
return &Student{l}
type Classroom1 struct {
Student *Student
func NewClassroom1(s *Student) *Classroom1 {
return &Classroom1{s}
type Classroom2 struct {
Student *Student
func NewClassroom2(s *Student) *Classroom2 {
return &Classroom2{s}
func main(){
lc := new(LibraryCard)
student := NewStudent(lc)
classroom1 := NewClassroom1(student)
classroom2 := NewClassroom2(student)