I'm trying to use R's "pool" package to execute a set of queries against a set of databases.
I have a list of queries, queryList
(I confirmed that each element is a character vector, e.g. "SELECT...FROM...").
# queryList defined earlier
myPool <- dbPool (...)
Results <- lapply(queryList, pool::dbGetQuery, myPool) # fails here!
The error I get says this: "unable to find an inherited method for function 'dbGetQuery' for signature '"character", "Pool"'.
One SO thread says this is related to S4 incompatibility. pool::dbGetQuery
is an S4 method.
Is there a workaround ?
The use of an anonymous function (e.g. function(x)...
, as suggested by @neilfws) worked. However, I'm not sure why, since I didn't need to use anonymous functions when I was dealing directly with dbiConnection objects. So this works
lapply(queryList, DBI::dbGetQuery, conn) # conn is dbiConnection
but this doesn't work
lapply(queryList, pool::dbGetQuery, pool) # pool is a pool of dbiConnections
Maybe I'm misreading the official documentation?