there is a way to format currencies in the result of an ExecuteSQL?
Sql keyword "FORMAT" doesn't work.
the calculation is:
ExecuteSQL ( "
SELECT expenses.user, ' - € ', SUM(expenses.value)
FROM expenses
GROUP BY expenses.user"
;" " ; ¶ ) ;
my output is
Ray - € 10000.1
John - € 44926.97
Tim - € 315.88
I need to get
Ray - € 10.000,10
John - € 44.926,97
Tim - € 315,88
It is (sort of) possible to format a Number field, but not a sum - because an aggregate function cannot be used as an argument to other functions.
However, you could process the query result and format the amounts using Filemaker's native functions. Or (probably simpler) use a summary field instead of ExecuteSQL()