I'm trying to fill in an online account creation form. But there is a drop down option thats not a normal select element. Please help sorry if its something easy am new to c#.
public static async Task Main()
using var playwright = await Playwright.CreateAsync();
var chromium = playwright.Chromium;
var browser = await chromium.LaunchAsync(new BrowserTypeLaunchOptions {Headless = false});
var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();
await page.GotoAsync("https://www.slamjam.com/en_SG/login?action=register");
await page.SelectOptionAsync("xpath=/html/body/div[1]/main/div/div/div/div/form/div[1]/span/span[1]/span", new SelectOptionValue { Label = "Mr." });
await page.FillAsync("id=registration-form-fname", "belinda");
await page.FillAsync("id=registration-form-lname", "Yeo");
await page.FillAsync("id=registration-form-birthday", "17/12/1990");
await page.FillAsync("id=registration-form-email", "email");
await page.FillAsync("id=registration-form-email-confirm", "email");
await page.FillAsync("id=registration-form-password", "PW");
await page.FillAsync("id=registration-form-password-confirm", "PW");
await page.CheckAsync("xpath=/ html / body / div[1] / main / div / div / div / div / form / div[9] / label");
await page.CheckAsync("xpath=/html/body/div[1]/main/div/div/div/div/form/div[11]/label");
await page.ClickAsync("id=validationCaptchaRegistration");
If you see I tried using the select option function in Playwright but to no avail.
Here is the site https://www.slamjam.com/en_SG/login?action=register
As per Max's comment, the issue is that the select
element isn't actually a normal HTML select
element. It's just a span
that displays the list of options underneath it when clicked.
You can do something like this:
await page.ClickAsync("id=select2-registration-form-title-container");
await page.ClickAsync("li:has-text('Mr.'):visible");
Only use IDs if you're fairly sure they won't be changing. Normally, it's best to use attributes that are visible to the user as they're less likely to change.