Search code examples

Is there any way to send authornicated Post and Get API requests with Selenium?

I can share the real time scenario.

Step 1: Lunch the browser perform some functional test like navigate to some page and upload a image/video file

step 2: Send a authenticated post request.


  "predicateParams": {


    "p.offset": "0",

    "p.limit": "-1"

  },"dateParams": {





Steps 3: Read the response and find the preview URL from the response.

    "totalAssetsModifiedOrCreated": 1,
    "totalAssetsDeleted": 0,
    "deletedAssets": [],
    "hits": [
            "path": "/content/dam/global-asset-library/Products/automation/download.jpg",
            "renditions": [
            "metadata": {
               //Asset metadata
            "previewLink": ""
    "status": {
        "code": "200",
        "message": "Search results found.",
        "success": true

Step 4: Send a get request using to the preview link in the above response.


  "predicateParams": {


    "p.offset": "0",

    "p.limit": "-1"

  },"dateParams": {





Step 5: validate the previously published asset returned(ex: Image) Response of get request

Your help is highly appreciated. Thank You.


  • Authorization(Basic) details can be passed through

    given().auth().preemptive().basic("username", "password")

    preemptive() method will send the username and password irrespective of server need authentication or not.