I can share the real time scenario.
Step 1: Lunch the browser perform some functional test like navigate to some page and upload a image/video file
step 2: Send a authenticated post request.
"predicateParams": {
"p.offset": "0",
"p.limit": "-1"
},"dateParams": {
Steps 3: Read the response and find the preview URL from the response.
"totalAssetsModifiedOrCreated": 1,
"totalAssetsDeleted": 0,
"deletedAssets": [],
"hits": [
"path": "/content/dam/global-asset-library/Products/automation/download.jpg",
"renditions": [
"metadata": {
//Asset metadata
"previewLink": "https://qa.dam.com/content/dam/global-asset-library/Products/automation/download.jpg?qtm=1637340248265"
"status": {
"code": "200",
"message": "Search results found.",
"success": true
Step 4: Send a get request using to the preview link in the above response.
"predicateParams": {
"p.offset": "0",
"p.limit": "-1"
},"dateParams": {
Step 5: validate the previously published asset returned(ex: Image) Response of get request
Your help is highly appreciated. Thank You.
Authorization(Basic) details can be passed through
given().auth().preemptive().basic("username", "password")
preemptive() method will send the username and password irrespective of server need authentication or not.