I have a content like this is my content
and I want to store it to the MongoDB collection.
The problem is I want to update my data and I want to find the _id
of data on the collection without send the query to database.
I came up withe the idea to generate my _id
s based on the content of my document.
I tried to convert the content to the sha256 or ... and then by using the bson.ObjectId
in python generate my _id
so any time I want to update for example the timestamp
in my collection I simply generate the _id
and send an update query to the database collection.
But I facing an error below:
bson.errors.InvalidId: '3e2550e3ffd205d10900d893dd8d91be9f446d60' is not a valid ObjectId, it must be a 12-byte input or a 24-character hex string
I wondering if the idea is wrong or ... Could you please guide me ?
Your idea is fine; the trick is you do not have to use the ObjectId
type for the _id
field. The following pseudocode works fine where the _id
is a String
String sid = hex(sha256("this"+"is"+"my"+"content"));
Document doc = {_id:sid, theTimestamp:ISODate(), ... }
db.collection.update({_id:sid}, {$set: {theTimestamp:ISODate()});