I am trying to preview Alphacam files (.ard) using C#. In the explorer windows preview pane i can preview this files.
I tried to use this way to preview but in regedit there is no subkey named shellex that contains a subkey named {8895b1c6-b41f-4c1c-a562-0d564250836f}.ref
I do not know how explorer previews without this subkey.
I found the solution, but I did not use the thumbnail way.
First, I created a tempdrawing, and then I saved that tempdrawing as a preview.
AcamRouter1 = new AlphaCAMRouter.App();
AlphaCAMRouter.Drawing Ciz = AcamRouter1.CreateTempDrawing();
string strFileName = AcamRouter1.LicomdirPath + "\\PreviewNoBorder.png";
Ciz.SavePreviewImageEx(strFileName, AcamPreviewImageType.acamImagePNG, 700, 500, AcamView.acamViewXY, false, 10,false);
pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(strFileName)));