Sometimes, when you merge tables created by tbl_regression using tbl_merge, it doesn't merge tables in the order you specified. For example;
t1 <- trial %>%
na.exclude() %>%
lm(marker ~ age + ttdeath, .) %>%
t2 <- trial %>%
na.exclude() %>%
lm(marker ~ age + response + death, .) %>%
t3 <- trial %>%
na.exclude() %>%
lm(marker ~ age + stage + death, .) %>%
t4 <- trial %>%
na.exclude() %>%
lm(marker ~ stage + grade + death, .) %>%
tbl_merge(list(t2, t4, t3, t1))
I specified in order of 2, 4, 3, 1, but the created table is in the order of 1, 3, 4, 2. As such, I would like to change the order of "columns" or merged tables in the way I originally specified.
I have tried to
as_gt() %>% move_cols()
but with no avail.
Is there a way to solve this problem? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The ordering should be more predictable than this! I think you've found a bug in the column ordering that I'll correct in the next release.
In the meantime, the code below will re-order the columns correctly.
#> [1] '1.5.0'
t1 <- lm(marker ~ age + ttdeath, trial) %>% tbl_regression()
t2 <- lm(marker ~ age + response + death, trial) %>% tbl_regression()
t3 <- lm(marker ~ age + stage + death, trial) %>% tbl_regression()
t4 <- lm(marker ~ stage + grade + death, trial) %>% tbl_regression()
tbl <-
tbl_merge(list(t2, t4, t3, t1)) %>%
~.x %>%
c(ends_with("_1"), ends_with("_2"), ends_with("_3"), ends_with("_4")),
.after = label
Created on 2021-11-24 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)