I have some code to filter out the display of certain tags on my shopify product page template. It reads in this comma separated list of tags I want to exclude from display on the product page:
{% assign exclude_tags = "Dangerous Goods,Quick Links,ShippingLetter,ShippingParcel" | split: ',' %}
And the product page reads in that snippet:
{% include "excluded-tags" %}
...and excludes tags from being displayed if they are found in the exclude_tags list:
{%- for tag in product.tags -%}
{% if exclude_tags contains tag %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
And that all works perfectly fine. However, this list of tags to exclude is going to end up quite large (lets say there might be 100 tags here!!), and I want to keep it readable for later editing etc, so I tried changing the comma separated list to one item per line in the code editor, but it stops working when I do that? Items that should be hidden on the product page are not hidden doing it that way.
Is there a way to achieve this instead of having the comma separated values all on a single line of code, something that looks like this:
{% assign exclude_tags = "Dangerous Goods,
Quick Links,
ShippingParcel" | split: ',' %}
Cheers, Rob
You can use capture to assign multiline text to a Liquid variable and then use split to convert it to Array.
{% capture exclude_tags %}
Dangerous Goods,
Quick Links,
{% endcapture %}
{% assign exclude_tags = exclude_tags | split: ',' %}
However, as per you above code snippet, you don't need to use split. You can use contains with a string. So your code will become just this
{% capture exclude_tags %}
Dangerous Goods,
Quick Links,
{% endcapture %}