Trying to call the below API by using axios.get
method. I've bypassed the CORS by using the Moesif CORS
google extension.
The API required the tokens in order to pull the result by using POSTMAN
Insert the valid tokens: Getting the CORS error although the CORS
extension is enabled.
CORS Error
Without the tokens: Getting the 401 Unauthorized with CORS
extension enabled as well.
401 Unauthorized
I'm sort of confused, is it either my token unauthorized issue or the CORS issue here? could someone please advise? However, if I called the other API that does not require the token I'm able to get the result without any issue with the CORS
extension enabled.
Sharing my example codes here:
const tokenStr = 'abc1234'; // example
const config = {
headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${tokenStr}` }
let dcqoapi =
"http://quote.dellsvc/v3/quotes?number=" + Quote + "&version=" + Version;
const calldcqoapi = () => { //assign a variable for a call function
Axios.get (dcqoapi,config).then(
(response) => {
The issue was resolved via disabling the web security from Chrome. Here are the below actions I've taken: [WORKS FOR LOCALHOST]
By doing the above steps, we had fully bypassed all the security including the CORS. Hence, Moesift CORS
is no longer required.
As I'm using POSTMAN for calling the API with the Headers
Some little changes from my codes, instead of putting 'Bearer' and I've removed it.
The 'bearer' is for authorization.
Headers are not considering bearer tokens, it's just a key so we shouldn't enter the 'bearer' for the POSTMAN headers
let config = {
headers: { Authorization: 'PlACE YOUR TOKENS HERE'}
let dcqoapi =
"https://quote.dellsvc/v3/quotes?number="+ Quote +"&version=" + Version // set DCQO API
const calldcqoapi = () => { //assign a variable for a call function
Axios.get (dcqoapi,config).then(
(response) => {