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how can i solve the problem problem with this regex?

what is the problem with this regex?

  PUBLIC_API_REQUEST:http://localhost:6501/public/api/v1/getBranches/client/faraApp {some text 
  here} PUBLIC_API_RESPONSE:{some text here}

 myregex :PUBLIC_API_REQUEST:(?<address>(?:[A-z\:\-\0-9\/]+)) (?<requestBody>[^}]*) 


  • You need to match and consume the text that you are not going to capture, like { or { chars.

    Also, the [A-z] is not matching just letters, it is simpler and less confusing to use %{NOTSPACE:address} (matching a streak of non-whitespace chars) instead of (?<address>(?:[A-z\:\-\0-9\/]+)).

    You can use

    PUBLIC_API_REQUEST:%{NOTSPACE:address} +\{(?<requestBody>[^{}]*)} +PUBLIC_API_RESPONSE:\{(?<response>[^{}]*)}

    Test screenshot:

    enter image description here