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Google Translate Documents php text

I'd like to run thousands of php language keys through Google Translate Documents on The text looks like this:

$lang['activate_deactivate'] = "Activate / Deactivate";
$lang['invalid_username'] = "Invalid username";
$lang['you_must_enter_username'] = "You must enter username";
$lang['invalid_user_name'] = "Invalid username";
$lang['user_deactivated'] = "User has been deactivated";
$lang['user_not_deactivated'] = "User could not be deactivated";

However I don't want to translate anything between [ and ]. So far I've tried wrapping it in span notranslate tags, capitalizing every word but neither of those worked.

An idea I do have is somehow adding an uncommon character such as █ after every letter between [ and ] then just removing all after the translation, I'm not sure how to perform that with regex. "(?<=[).*?(?=])" will find the text I need but I'm not sure how to replace it to insert the character after each letter.

Or if anyone has any better ideas, I'd love to hear them. Thanks.


  • Using Notepad++ you might use:


    The pattern matches:

    • (?: Non capture group
      • \[ Match [
      • | Or
      • \G(?!^) Assert the current position at the end of the previous match, but not at the start of the string to get consecutive separate matches
    • ) Close non capture group
    • \K Forget what is matched until now
    • [^][] Match a single char other than [ and ]
    • (?=[^][]*]) Assert a closing ] to the right

    Replace with the full match followed by the character that you want $0█

    See a regex demo.

    enter image description here