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Day, Hour, Min Calculation from the Minutes

The Requirement is as below to display Day, Hour, and Minute from Total Minutes:

I am getting the Minutes from the Hardware device.

6050 minutes is displayed as: 4d 5h (it is 4 days 4 hours and 50 minutes, 50 minutes we round to 1 hour)

6090 minutes is displayed as: 4d 6h (it is 4 days 5 hours and 30 minutes, 30 minutes we round to 1 hour)

6089 minutes is displayed as 4d 5h (it is 4 days 5 hours and 29 minutes, 29 minutes we round to 0 hours)

Other thing to take care is 0d 0h and 0m should be display as 0m.

One more thing is : If total hour is > 100, it should display without minute.

So far I have tried to achive it as below but not getting proper output:

fun minutesToDaysHoursMinutes(time: Double): String? {
     val hourFromMinute: Double = time * 60.0

     val d: Duration = Duration.ofMinutes(time.toLong())
     val days: Long = d.toDays()
     val hours: Long = d.toHours() % 24
     val minutes: Long = d.toMinutes() % 60

     if (hourFromMinute > 100) {
         if (minutes >= 30) {
             if (days == 0L && hours != 0L) {
                 return String.format("%2dh", hours)
             if (days != 0L && hours == 0L) {
                 return String.format("%2dd", days)
             return String.format("%2dd %2dh", days, (hours + 1))
         } else {
             if (days == 0L && hours != 0L) {
                 return String.format("%2dh", hours)
             if (days != 0L && hours == 0L) {
                 return String.format("%2dd", days)
             if (days == 0L && hours == 0L) {
                 return String.format("%2dm", minutes)
             return String.format("%2dd %2dh", days, hours)
     } else {
         var stringDays = "" + days
         if (stringDays.toInt()<=0) {
             stringDays = ""
         } else {
             stringDays = stringDays + "d"
         var stringHours = "" + hours
         if (stringHours.toInt()<=0) {
             stringHours = ""
         } else {
             stringHours = stringHours + "h"
         var stringMinutes = "" + minutes
         if (stringMinutes.toInt()<=0) {
             stringMinutes = "0m"
         } else {
             stringMinutes = stringMinutes + "m"
         return stringDays + " " + stringHours + " " + stringMinutes

I can display proper values but Is there any better way to do so ? Thank you.


  • Well, you have many if statements where roughly the same code is repeated. Also, your minutesToDaysHoursMinutes method is doing two things: rounding and formatting the output.

    I think you should put these two responsibilities into two separate methods.

    The rounding

    First, you could do the founding as follows:

    Duration roundFromMinutesToHours(double minutes) {
        var duration = Duration.ofMinutes((long) minutes);
        long hoursToAdd = (duration.toMinutesPart() < 30 ? 0 : 1);
        return duration.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.HOURS).plusHours(hoursToAdd);

    This method accepts the number of minutes, and then rounds up or down to hours, discarding the minutes value. Note that this method uses Duration::toMinutesPart, which has been available since Java 9. toMinutesPart doesn't return the total number of minutes, like toMinutes(), but instead, returns the number of minutes within the hour. Note that this method returns a Duration with a rounded-to-full-hours value.

    Now you have a nice rounded Duration, which you can use in the following method.

    The formatting

    Then you could write the formatting of the Duration as follows:

    String formatDuration(Duration duration) {
        if (duration.isZero()) {
            return "0m";
        var result = String.format("%sd %sh", duration.toDays(), duration.toHoursPart());
        if (duration.toHours() <= 100) {
            result += " 0m";
        return result;

    If the duration is 0 (thus originaly < 30 minutes), then return "0m". Otherwise, return either "xd yh" or "xd yh zm", where x, y and z are the days, hours and minutes respectively, based on whether the total number of hours is greater than 100.