Using Google Calendars API /events/insert, I create an event in a user's calendar on their behalf and set them as the organizer. I also invite one guest.
I want the organizer to receive an email notification similar to what a guest might receive. I tried using the sendUpdates parameter but it only notifies guests.
Is there a way to notify the organizer that an event was created in their calendar on their behalf?
One work around you can do is to add a another version of the owners email to the attendees. For example, if their normal email is
you can convert it to
. They'll receive an invite at their normal email. Keep in mind this will add an additional attendee to the event. When they click accept in the email it will mark their original email as accepted, not the one with +1
appended to it.
See this basic function for adding a +1
the email in JS:
function changeEmail(email) {
let splitEmail = email.split('@');
return splitEmail[0] + '+1@' + splitEmail[1];
Note you can add any text after the email. It doesn't have to be +1.