I'm trying to make a custom "hook" for solid-js that will retrieve state from local storage.
import { Accessor, createSignal, Setter } from "solid-js";
export default function createLocalStorageSignal<T extends string>(key: string): [get: Accessor<T>, set: Setter<T>] {
const storage = window.localStorage;
const initialValue: T = JSON.parse(storage.getItem(key) ?? '{}').value;
const [value,setValue] = createSignal<T>(initialValue);
const newSetValue: Setter<T> = (newValue) => {
storage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify({value: newValue}));
return newValue;
return [
However I get the type error
Type '(newValue: any) => void' is not assignable to type 'Setter<T>'
Why can't newValue's type be inferred? and if it can't be inferred what do I set it to?
's full type is
type Setter<T> = undefined extends T ?
<U extends T>
(v?: (U extends Function ? never : U) |
((prev?: T | undefined) => U) | undefined) => U :
<U extends T>
(v: (U extends Function ? never : U) |
((prev: T) => U)) => U
I don't exactly understand the purpose of the U
type and how it works. I think the problem relates to the fact that newValue could potentially be a function but the T type could also be a function type or something...
Here's one way to do it:
import { Accessor, createSignal, Setter } from "solid-js";
export default function createLocalStorageSignal<T extends object>(
key: string
): T extends (...args: never) => unknown ? unknown : [get: Accessor<T>, set: Setter<T>];
export default function createLocalStorageSignal<T extends object>(key: string): [Accessor<T>, Setter<T>] {
const storage = window.localStorage;
const initialValue: T = JSON.parse(storage.getItem(key) ?? "{}").value;
const [value, setValue] = createSignal<T>(initialValue);
const newSetValue = (newValue: T | ((v: T) => T)): T => {
const _val: T = typeof newValue === 'function' ? newValue(value()) : newValue
setValue(_val as any);
storage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify({ value: _val }));
return _val;
return [value, newSetValue as Setter<T>];
type MyObjectType = {
foo: string
bar: number
const [get, set] = createLocalStorageSignal<MyObjectType>('asdf')
const val = get() // type of val is MyObjectType
set({} as MyObjectType) // ok
set(() => ({} as MyObjectType)) // ok
set((prev: MyObjectType) => ({} as MyObjectType)) // ok
const str: string = val.foo // ok
const num: number = val.bar // ok
const bool: boolean = val.foo // string is not assignable to boolean (as expected)
const sym: symbol = val.bar // number is not assignable to symbol (as expected)
// This is made to have a type error because function values can not be JSON.stringified.
const [get2, set2] = createLocalStorageSignal<() => void>('asdf')
const val2 = get2() // type of val is any, but that's because of the previous error.